Municipal electric vehicle fleets: Learning from the first movers

Strong sustainability goals have driven innovation among municipal fleets, whether they’re swapping their pickups for F-150 Lightnings or getting their first electric garbage or fire truck. They often have to marry planning with an astonishing mix of vehicle types, classes and duties.

This panel shares how municipalities create a roadmap for fleet decarbonization, taking into account vehicle requirements and facility capacities, and how to get started with what Deloitte consultant and moderator Elizabeth Baker calls “no regret” decisions.


  • Elizabeth Baker, Partner at Deloitte Consulting (Moderator)
  • Leya Barry, Climate Change Supervisor at the City of Mississauga
  • Jennifer Kube-Njenga, Program Manager Fleet Operations, Engineering & Public Works at the City of Richmond
  • Chris Hill, Supervisor, Fleet Planning, Operations Department at the City of Guelph

This panel session was recorded at the EV & Charging Expo on May 2, 2024, at the Enercare Centre in Toronto.